Go With the Flow by Lily Williams


As a woman, I can honestly say that bleeding sucks. I know, when my period comes, it means I am healthy and my body is working correctly, but I can still be salty about it! Go With the Flow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081LWJW2Z/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 by Lily Williams is a beautiful book, both the story and the illustrations. I think one of the best parts is that the book is written in shades of red (and it’s about bleeding and periods!).

:01 First Second books have shown their awesome abilities. Ihave read a slew of great graphic novels from them!
This is the moment when the snotty girl gets help from the nice girl. They come together. Period.
This is helpful mom encouraging her feminist daughter. I love this relationship. Go girl!
I love the artwork. This page shows some of the cute facial expressions. And the use of red; very clever!