Educated by Tara Westover

The price of education is explored in this memoir about growing up in a survivalist Mormon family. I

I was alarmed (and horrified) at the type of education the author was receiving from parents who professed to be believers. Educated by Tara Westover is the Mormon version of A Thousand Splendid Suns. Yikes! Abuse, lies, neglect, idiocy, blind belief….loss of faith and traditions. It was a journey, but well worth the trek. I would call this a ‘Tragically Beautiful Book’.

It is miraculous that Tara Westover survived her ‘education’ at home. Abuse sucks. Stay strong and find healing. Big hugs to Ms. Westover for overcoming such hard circumstances and finding her own education! Thank you for writing your story. May your path be paved with love and compassion.